Portrait of Ya. M. Vengerov




Русское искусство. Дореволюционный период

Material / Technique

Canvas, oil

Date of creation






Repin Ilya Efimovich


Great Russian artist, master of historical, genre and portrait painting, active participant of exhibitions of the Association of Travelling Art Exhibitions. He was born in Chuguev in the family of a military settler. Before coming to St. Petersburg he painted churches in Chuguev. In St. Petersburg for several months studied at the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. From 1864 to 1873 - at the Academy of Arts. To this period belongs his friendship with I. N. Kramsky and V. V. Stasov. In 1873 (after completing the painting "Burlaki") - the first trip abroad (boarding) - until 1876. Author of the famous paintings "Protodeacon", "Refusal of Confession", "Not Waiting", "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan 16 November 1581", "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan", "Jubilee meeting of the State Council" and many others. From 1894 to 1907 he headed the workshop of historical painting at the Academy of Arts. His pupils were: V. M. Kustodiev, F. A. Malyavin, I. S. Kulikov, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, I. I. Brodsky and many others. Had a significant influence on the whole course of development of Russian realist art of the second half of the X IX - early XX century.